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What makes it not typical is that the focus is on self-insert. Therefore, one of the fox girls, an year-old demi-fox by the name of Senko, vows to pamper him to his heart's content. Apparently, she is very famous for her ear cleaning skills. June 12, Kuroto notices Shiro is good at video games, only to discover she was using her mind reading powers to predict what he was going to do, and she quits for the day to go home. Perma-Stubble : He's always drawn with at least a little five o'clock shadow, contributing to his generally worn out appearance. NA : Crunchyroll. Japanese animation has little to do with Disney. Amnesiac God : It's eventually revealed that she's the leftover conscience of a malevolent hate-filled nine-tailed kitsune, which had escaped from being petrified by the other kitsune that tried to stop it. The next day, Kuroto awakens, thinking his experience last night had all been a dream. Sleep well. He kicks her out, until Senko phases through his door and proves she's not exactly a young child nor human. This makes Koenji think she is into cosplay, from a show she watched, introducing Senko to it; a similar fox-like girl doing combat against a pervy bear with a camera. She is Nakano's next-door neighbor who initially grew irritated from all of the noise going on in his room. Senko looks like a little girl, but acts like someone's great, great, great grandmother.

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October 10, [11] [12]. Edit Related Anime Adaptation:. Lawyer-Friendly Cameo : The anime turns Nakano's video game collection into a fluffy tail-themed clone of the Nintendo Switch and some appropriately fluffied-up games. Doga Kobo. She was surprised and brought in by Shiro, while Koenji was sleeping. He enjoys fluffing and rubbing his face on it. More recommendations. He washes her back and saw that her tail looks damp, making him feel depressed. In addition to this there is a character-type system. First, Nakano comes to the logical conclusion that if someone sees a young child without her parents in his apartment in the dead of night and wearing what appears to be an ancient kimono, and fox ears plus tail, no less , he would be arrested for suspicion of kidnapping and child molestation, and hoo boy would the news have a field day with that.

Alternative Titles

The simple answer is to relax and enjoy the simplicity of slice of life. More news. May 15, April 24, Japanese Psychological Research. Sultry Bangs : Her hair is styled to drape over her left eye, complimenting her seductive attire. The video game got too easy for Shiro, and she wanted to play a different one. Official Site. She left to make dinner as Yozora shows up unannounced to see them. At dinner, Kuroto had a sore back from carrying heavy items at work, so Senko offers to massage him. Accent Slip-Up : When she gets home, she's revealed to actually speak a completely different dialect naturally, with her using a more normal one at work. Learn to say no when yes can hurt you. Walking Spoiler : It's basically impossible to talk about anything besides her introduction without revealing the fact she's a tanuki. Senko gets upset at Nakano after Sora teases him while visiting his apartment, and he teases her about it. So it stands to reason that most of the character stereotypes we see comes from this interaction with the West, particularly the US.

Like Father, Like Daughter | The Helpful Fox Senko-san | Know Your Meme

  • Author Avatar : The author made a cute fox spirit avatar for the author's notes of the manga.
  • Several of them also show that his relationship with Senko is the inverse of Nakano's, with him pampering her.
  • In fact, Julius Caesar came from a family that did this Meier,
  • Which is fine, actually.
  • Her fluffy tail gets him in touch with his silly, little-boy side that he suppresses most of the time.

How would you like to be pampered by a talented and cute year-old fox girl? She also happens to be a loli, if that is your thing. Nakano is a stressed, overworked salaryman. At first, her attention makes Nakano feel guilty and uncomfortable. But as time goes on, he comes to appreciate Senko and her role in his life. At one point in the anime, she even calls herself his mother-wife. Nakano loves her soft, fluffy tail. He enjoys fluffing and rubbing his face on it. Nakano, however, has a childlike innocence—he just likes the softness and warmth—and seems oblivious to how it riles Senko. When I first started watching the anime, it appeared to be just a male fantasy. A cute god appears who cooks, cleans, massages, gently wakes you, and otherwise takes care of your every daily need would be appealing for lonely working men. In fact, various studies have linked male well-being with traditional gender-role work division. Japanese husbands with a working wife tend to have stronger depression and lower self-esteem. They also have lower work satisfaction. This has remained consistent since the s Sagara, Of course, if the men view traditional gender roles as proper, a conflict with this view affects their well-being more.

Like many hardworking members of the workforce, Kuroto Nakano is perpetually stressed out by his job. Senko san ill pamper you, since he lives alone, he must carry on to sustain himself. Little do humans like Kuroto know, this stress takes the form of darkness residing within a person's body and will bring one's life to ruin. Fox deities can see this darkness and have the duty to save people before it is too late, senko san ill pamper you. To help rid Kuroto of his stress, Senko-san, an eight hundred-year-old foxgirl, volunteers to take care of him, and will do everything she can to ease the tension in his weary soul. In this thread, you'll find a comprehensive list of anime acquired for simulcast release during the Spring season. Anime series licensed for home video rel Apr 2, AM by Snow Discuss 77 comments.

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Senko san ill pamper you. The Helpful Fox Senko-san, Male Fantasy or Something Deeper?

The eponymous demigod fox who decides to pamper Nakano to prevent his darkness from engulfing him. She had initially had a master that greatly resembled Nakano hundreds of years ago only to lose him in some unknown circumstance. Adorable Fluffy Tail : Her big and fluffy tail is pretty much a big part of the series image, especially senko san ill pamper you soothingly soft and cushiony it feels to Nakano, who takes every opportunity he can to pet, squeeze, and stroke it to ease his stress, much to Senko's constant reluctance given how zniżka pampersy pampers stimulating " it is to have her tail fluffed. Affectionate Nickname : Most of the senior inari refer to her as "Sen". Amnesiac Senko san ill pamper you : It's eventually revealed that she's the leftover conscience of a malevolent hate-filled nine-tailed kitsune, which had escaped from being petrified by the other kitsune that tried to stop it. The caveat was that she retained none of the memories of her original self, and only learned about it shortly after her beloved master took her cursed hatred into himself, senko san ill pamper you. Angry Cheek Puff : Senko puffs her cheeks when annoyed as a Character Ticwhich shows off how immature and childish she is despite being a years old Asian Fox Spirit. As a result, she feels obligated to pampering him to help relieve his stress from work, and also watched over him when he was a child, guiding him back to his grandmother after he got lost in the woods. Character Title : She's the titular "helpful fox", senko san ill pamper you. Clingy Jealous Girl : Gets upset when Shiro and later Sora tease him, and suggest they could "pamper" him in other ways Senko couldn't or doesn't want to. Senko gets upset at Nakano after Sora teases him while visiting his apartment, and he teases her about it. That night, dinner consists of a single fried fish and a bowl of rice, which Senko mentions recalling how it was one of his least favorite dishes. The Determinator : She senko san ill pamper you stop at nothing to make Nakano's life a little better. Enemy Without : It's later revealed that the curse on Nakano's bloodline is actually the result of his ancestor taking into him the grudges and hatred of Senko's original sel f, with said curse being a way of keeping said hatred sealed in order to prevent it from reuniting with her and returning to it's hate-filled destructive ways. Fantastic Arousal : Her tail is her erogenous zone.

Main Characters

Just relax, and accept the pampering! Kuroto Nakano is just your average Japanese office worker —stuck in an exploitative company that puts far more work on him than is reasonable, safe, or even sane, putting in such long hours he has no time for relaxation or socialization with friends, and finally going home alone to his apartment at the dead of night. His situation has gotten so bad that a dark, ominous miasma has begun to leak out from him, so large his suffering and stress spreads to other people and makes them miserable just by being near him. Such a life is unsustainable, the key to an early grave if he doesn't change things soon, but what can one man at the end of his rope do?

I won't deny that the art and sound are great to help you feel relaxed while Senko does whatever different things she does each episode. Big Eater : Loves Senko's cooking, particularly her ohagi a sweet made of rice [glutinous and non-glutinous] and red bean paste. Sleep well.

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Author: Nibei

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